Are You ISO Auditor-Phobic?

Written by Chris Anderson

Which is more painful: an audit or spendingrepparttar holidays with Aunt Sally and her green Jell-O mold? Either way, your company audit still looms in your mind, but it shouldn’t be that scary – quiterepparttar 103521 opposite. Besides, even Sally “audits” herself when she makes her mold, as she tests for thickness and taste. She just wants to improve.

Fixrepparttar 103522 Problem

So what are you going to do about your company audit? How about make an educated guess whatrepparttar 103523 problem is, assign someone to “fix” it, and sit back and relax…for another month or so? This is just another short-term solution.

Tacklerepparttar 103524 Audit Head On

Instead, why not tacklerepparttar 103525 audit head on, and kick its butt. A strange way to put it, maybe, but that’s how I see an audit after attending an Internal Auditor Skills Class. Don’t get me wrong, I still like managing by my own glorious opinion. But it got me thinking that mayberepparttar 103526 attitude of “justrepparttar 103527 facts, ma’am” holds more water (and less hot air).

Close System Gaps

With role playing and actually writing up my own audit plans and reports, I got to see why unarguable evidence is so crucial to improving and even closingrepparttar 103528 gaps in a company’s system. It becomes such a different world when you see firsthand all ofrepparttar 103529 scenes.

Of course, Les Cornelius, Quality Assurance Coordinator for Lee BioSolutions, Inc., put it better than I could. “Role playing and specific examples were helpful elements because they fully exerciserepparttar 103530 brain in its learning capacity and help internalize and retainrepparttar 103531 teachings”

Putting Positive Phrases Into Your Telephone Conversations

Written by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer

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If you were onrepparttar 103521 customer end of a telephone conversation and were ready to place a large order, which ofrepparttar 103522 following phrases would make you feel welcome?

* I'm sorry. I didn't get that. * I can't understand what you're trying to say.

* Yes, Mr. Jones, I'll be happy to do that for you. * All right. I'll see what I can do about it.

* It will take a few minutes. Would you like me to call you back? * Hold on. I'll be right with ya.

* Thank you for waiting. I have that information now. * You're out of luck. We don't sell that any more.

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